Voice Search

What is Voice Search?

Voice search involves issuing commands to smart devices to execute specific actions. It encompasses various tasks, from searching for information on phones to directing smart speakers. Smart devices range from smartphones, desktops, and laptops to smart speakers or any device embedded with a voice assistant.

Initially, voice search was confined to smartphones and laptops. However, with the emergence of smart speakers like Alexa, its usage has expanded.

The Future of Voice Search

The prevalence of voice searches has been on a steady rise. At least 20% of mobile searches are voice-driven, with over 40% of adults engaging in voice searches. With such exponential growth, voice search is poised to eclipse traditional text search. ComScore predicts that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be voice-based.

According to a 2014 survey by Thrive Analytics, 59% of individuals aged 30-43 and 39% aged 44-53 utilize voice search. This underscores the significant user engagement, expected to grow as voice assistants evolve with machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Challenges for Marketers

Marketers need to be proactive and adaptable to capitalize on voice search. Ensuring website speed, mobile-friendliness, and security are crucial. Moreover, optimizing content to provide concise answers to user queries is essential.

User Benefits

Voice search streamlines tasks users perform on smart devices, from making calls to finding directions while driving. For instance, Google Assistant now enables users to book appointments at salons and restaurants with voice commands.

Voice assistants leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand user intent, enhancing accuracy over time. This is evident in surveys depicting the precision with which assistants address user queries.

Voice Search and Digital Marketing

Voice search will revolutionize digital marketing, diverging from traditional text search methods. Search queries differ significantly between text and voice searches. While text searches involve short keywords or terms, voice searches tend to be longer and more conversational.

Marketers can leverage voice search and assistants for marketing initiatives. For example, a hotel chain could partner with Alexa to promote its services to users. Similarly, airlines can drive traffic to their websites through voice assistant collaborations.

Revenue Impact of Voice Search

Voice search’s rapid growth translates into substantial revenue generation. By 2020, Amazon’s Alexa is projected to generate an additional $10 billion in revenue through various devices and applications.

Voice commerce is witnessing exponential growth, with estimates predicting revenue to reach $40 million in the US and $5 billion in the UK by 2022.

Use Cases of Voice Search

Voice search has profound implications for users and marketers alike. For instance, Domino’s partnered with Amazon’s Alexa before Super Bowl 2016, enabling customers to order pizza with voice commands. Marriott Hotels collaborated with Alexa to enhance customer experience by providing voice-enabled butler services in every room.


Voice search is a permanent fixture, with its usage expected to escalate. As voice assistants become smarter through machine learning and AI, digital marketers will have new avenues to engage with their target audience effectively.

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